Quarter 1 Financial Update

AHUMC FIRST QUARTER 2021 FINANCIAL UPDATE by Valerie Slade, Director of Finance

God continues to bless this church family.  In-person attendance is growing-- we ran out of bulletins last Sunday!  Our livestream views continue to grow. The Palm Sunday services were beautiful.  The procession of palms and the entrance of the rugged cross brought tears to my eyes as I realized how much I have missed participating in the traditional activities of our church. On Easter Sunday, David Reed exclaimed “this is a homecoming for our church!” So true, David.

The first quarter closed with gross receipts of $687,000- just $15,000 short of plan.  However, we are still in a pandemic and are still recovering from Snowpocalypse, and this outpouring of sacrificial giving on the part of our church family is simply amazing! A big thank you also goes to our AHUMC Foundation for their extraordinary contribution to our 2021 operating budget.  Did you know that the Foundation is supporting 11% of our operating budget?

Your generous support has enabled our Sunday schools to open again and our worship teams and choirs to  expand their participation in services. Summer children’s programs are back in business, and groups are returning to campus. We continue to feed our community through drive by food distributions from both our Basse Road and Asbury campuses. Additionally, we made a significant apportionment payment to our Rio Texas parent conference.

Our staff continues to rigorously control expenses, and we ended the quarter with a net surplus of $17,000. Praise God for the generosity of our church family.