Update For Counseling Ministry

Hello friends,

I would like to introduce you to two new members of our church. Priscilla and John MacDougall recently moved to San Antonio from Minnesota, where they both served as pastors in the United Methodist Church. They want to offer our church their gift of service.

Both John and Priscilla have years of experience in spiritual counseling. Priscilla received her M.A. from the Alfred Adler Graduate School, was licensed as a Marriage and Family Counselor, and had a private practice. John received a D. Min. from Drew Theological School in a program of Family Therapy.  John was later trained as a chemical dependency counselor and served as the Director of Spiritual Care in two recovery facilities.

The MacDougall’s would like to volunteer their services for Spiritual Counseling to our community. With their wealth of experience in church ministry and in counseling settings, they are a tremendous gift to our church.  Please click here to contact John or Priscilla.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I am deeply grateful that the MacDougall’s are offering this service. They will not be charging any fees for their time, though contributions to the ministry of the church are welcome. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.


Ryan Jacobson

Pastor of Congregational Care